Friday, March 18, 2011
MuzzleBrake Range Report (sorta)
Well, thankfully, no clearance issues were found (I fired a single round, then inspected for flecks of copper and didn't find any). and fired a few rounds, the recoil reduction was substantial, however one thing I noticed shooting in the confines of the test range, was a rather strong puff of air that would blow from the muzzle end maybe 1/4 second after firing. I think much of this was due to the small indoor range, I've fired much bigger guns with much larger brakes but all those were open air.
The brake did exactly what I wanted it to, held the gun on target and reduced the "bounce" I normally got when firing it off a bipod.
Here's another picture of the brake up close before firing:
Fun Stuff - MuzzleBrake
I am not a great photographer. But here it is:
Specs: Fits 5/8-24TPI threaded barrel, drilled 1" deep, threads relieved on the back (no crush washer or spacers), two baffles for directing gas away from bullet flight. Made of 304 Free Machining Stainless Steel. The bullet path hole is 5/16", was first drilled one size smaller, and then finish reamed with a .3125" reamer with the back gear engaged and lots of oil. Threaded section was first bored with a carbide boring bar, and then tapped with a 5/8-24" tap so there should be no disparity of alignment between the threads and the bore.
If anyone is interested in drawings wanting to make their own, speak up and I'll post them or e-mail.
I should get a chance to take it out to the range tomorrow, and I'll provide a range report.
Wednesday, March 16, 2011
Japanese Nuclear Reactors, Potassium Iodide and Radiation Safety
Spawned by media attention, the response by the American public to stockpile Potassium Iodide tablets thinking this will be a panacea against radioactive contamination will be a comedy of failures. Due largely to the ignorance spread by the media in response to this disaster.
While I won't say radiation is not dangerous, excessive doses of iodine rich compounds can also be dangerous to health. The biggest issue arises from a false belief that Potassium Iodide will protect the whole body against radiation. What KI (chemical symbol for potassium (K) iodide (I for iodine)) does is saturate the thyroid gland with stable isotopes of Iodine, preventing the uptake of Iodine-131, a short lived radioisotope with a half life of about 8 days.
Iodine-131 is dangerous because it undergoes Beta Decay giving off an electron, when it does this inside the tissue (of the Thyroid) it may cause mutation, cancer, or cell death. Since the thyroid is so essential to managing the body's systems, damage to this gland may be catastrophic to the body.
However, since the devil is usually in the details. Here's the rub with KI, Japan, it will be a several day journey for any radioactive contaminants released at Fukushima to reach even the west coast. That delay will give many of them a chance to partially decay, greatly reducing the quantity of radioactive materials which reach the west coast. Also, most of these materials are heavy, meaning they will drop out of the air column sooner than other materials, and they are all readily absorbed in sea water, where they will be greatly diluted.
The next issue, Iodine-131 is not the only dangerous component of a nuclear release. There is also Cesium, Strontium, Barium, Xenon and other materials which are substantially more dangerous than Iodine. Strontium, Barium, and Cesium are readily taken in by plants, and animals and incorporated into bone and other tissues, as an analog for Calcium or Potassium (in the case of Cesium). All of these are longer lived isotopes, and many have higher energy decay processes including alpha and gamma, which can be much more deleterious to human health.
A general rule taken from Civil Defense, is that for every 7 fold increase in time, a 10 fold decrease in radiation will be measured. So when you measure 50Rad/hr (100 Rad = 1 Sievert Sv = 1 Gray), 7 hours later only 5 R/hr should be the measurement. With a given travel time of 2 days, or 48 hours, the amount of radiation arriving will be 10^-7 or 1/10,000,000th the amount of radiation. Some US experts have suggested longer travel times, insisting radiation will be more on the order of 1/1,000,000,000 (one billionth). So even a release of compounds at the plant exceeding 500Rad/hr by the time they arrive on the west coast, the amount of radiation you may receive will be 5x10^-7, or less radiation than you get having a smoke detector in your house. It is important to understand radiation is all around us, a site with good information on this is the EPA's Radiation Dose Calculator.
If you are still scared, radiation monitoring is thankfully an exact science, it is very easy to measure the quantity of radiation in a given sample of material, in fact it is easier to find radioactive contamination than it is to find any type of toxic contamination, as radioactive isotopes give off particles which common Geiger Counters, Scintillators and other simple equipment can detect. Additionally, Japan and the Fukushima plant is a great distance from the continental united states, and while the jet stream is more likely to carry contamination here, it will take days, days in which short-lived radioisotopes will decay off, and become much less dangerous. Additionally, keeping a high level of hygiene will aid greatly in removing any radioactive particles from the skin, clothing and hair. Wash your hands frequently, wash fresh produce, avoid foods that concentrate radioisotopes, and given time there is nothing to fear.
Education is the most important issue when dealing with radiation there are three main defenses against radiation: Time, Distance and Shielding. Here in the on the West Coast, we have distance, and time on our side. Until we see that those are insufficient there is no need to run out and seek shielding, which our houses are quite capable of providing us with.
If you are really looking for something to stockpile right now, don't stockpile KI, stockpile food, water, medical supplies (bandaids, antisceptics). The next disaster we face probably won't be nuclear fallout from Japan, it will probably be an earthquake on our own shores that gets us.
Monday, March 14, 2011
End Daylight Savings!
Anyways, after 30 years, I am officially pissed off enough about the time change to do something about it! And because we live in a representative democracy, I fully intend to do something about it, and frankly, it is a bi-partisan issue.
I will be calling, and writing my senators, and other elected representatives every day until I get this changed and I invite all of you to do the same.
To start you off with some boiler plate. Here's the letter I sent to my senators this morning.
I added this to my addresses to my state reps:
Some important information about DST, and some more ammunition you may be able to use:
Unhappy Hour
Daylight Saving Time: A bad idea.
Sleep Deficit, Fatal Accidents, and the Spring Shift to Daylight Savings Time
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
Cleaning Cartridge Brass
Generally cleaning brass can be broken up into a few different methods: Chemical washing, Wet tumbling, Vibratory cleaning/polishing, and rotary cleaning/polishing. Vibratory process is very similar to rotary cleaning, the major difference is in rotary cleaning the bowl spins (like a cement mixer) whereas in vibratory the bowl vibrates, and usually has a toroid shape in which the vibration causes the media to turn over. Chemical washing can be combined with Wet Tumbling, but generally isn't. Wet tumbling usually is similar to the rotary process except it uses a media that is water friendly.
Chemical washing goes by several names, and uses many different compounds for achieving the same results. Typically, chemical washing involves an acid, a soap, an emulsifier, and occasionally a light abrasive. There are two chemical washing formulas I have used over the years with varied degrees of success, and they are easy to make at home. The first, is what I call the "Matryoshka" as the ingredient list follows a series of russian nesting dolls. The second is a more common solution which is a mix of CLR (calcium lime rust remover) and hot water with a 1gal to 1pt mix ratio.
Matryoshka Formula*
- 1 gal warm water
- 1 cup white vinegar
- 1 tablespoon powdered laundry detergent
- 1 teaspoon table salt
CLR Formula*
- 1 gal warm water
- 1 pint CLR (Do not substitute for other brands, use CLR brand)
* Usage Note: Both of these solutions if used for too long will remove enough zinc from the surface of the brass to turn it pink. While this is not implicitly destructive to the brass (you can still use it) who wants to go to the range with pink brass?
Wet tumbling, is something of a cross breed between the chemical methods discussed above, and the physical methods discussed later. For those familiar with it, it is essentially the same process used to make rocks shiny in a rock tumbler, add some water, put into a drum, and spin it for hours, days or weeks. In certain circumstances, a chemical solution may be added to improve the speed or the results.
An interesting variation on wet tumbling is the use of stainless tumbling media. A new company showed up recently selling 5lbs of stainless steel pins just for this purpose I have not tried them personally, but the pictures look good, and some people on the internet swear by it. I will tell you, this is a tried and true method for cleaning all sorts of work in many industries, everything from jewelry to doorhandles is tumbled in steel pins or shot.
Before delving into the finer points of rotary and vibratory case processing, it seems necessary to draw a distinction between cleaning and polishing, as they are different processes, you can combine them, but that usually takes too long.
Cleaning brass is best done with a more abrasive compound. To take an example from most home users, walnut media is a substantially more aggressive compound than corncob media. However, walnut is a cleaning media, so it will strip off grime, stains and other blemishes on the brass but will never bring it to a high shine.
Polishing is the final process of cleaning, and is best done with small grained corncob with a burnishing compound and a wax. Dillon's turbo polish is a very very good example of this, as it combines both a burnishing compound and a wax. The waxy layer left behind by polishing compounds does a lot to protect the brass and keep it from oxidizing. A good example of a burnishing compound is the common frankford arsenal polish sold by midwayusa. While it works well for polishing up the surface, the lack of wax means the cartridges will tarnish fairly quickly. One trick, when you have older media, that still has polish in it, but isn't coating the cartridges in as much wax as it did, is to add several teaspoons of mineral spirits to the tumbling media before adding brass as it tends to draw the wax out.
Now lets watch some videos. First up is vibratory polishing on a big scale:
Unfortunately I can't find the youtube video that had a rotary deburrer, so I'll have to take some video of mine next time I fire it up.
I hope that sums up pretty well the differences and answers some questions about cleaning, polishing, and the different methods people use to achieve the same results.
Sunday, March 6, 2011
On War
"How big a force do you command?"
The Swiss general confidently replied, "I can mobilize one million men in twenty-four hours."
The German asked, "What would happen if I marched five million men in here tomorrow?"
The Swiss replied, "Each of my men will fire five shots and go home."
the quote is often credited to General Henri Guisan, but one will never know
(re)Loading Basic Operations
Reloading procedures are fairly uncomplicated, and is usually summed up in 2-3 reloading dies, and 5-6 steps. The basic steps of reloading should be summed up as: Decapping, Sizing or Re-Sizing, Expanding, Belling, Charging*, Seating, and Crimping.
Decapping is the operation which ejects the spent primer from the pocket, for boxer type cases, this is simply done with a rod with a pin on the end of it which knocks it out of the primer pocket.
Sizing is the operation which changes the external dimensions of the shell casing, pushing the brass back to the shape of an unfired shell. Or at least something resembling one.
Expanding comes in several forms depending on the style of the case. Bottlenecked cases (most rifle cases, EG .30-06) use a button that is typically part of the decapping rod that is pulled out of the case and brings the neck up to the proper diameter. On pistol and some straight-walled rifle cases (such as .357 Magnum, or .45-70) a plunger is inserted into the case mouth, the plunger usually has a conical section towards the top which also bells the case mouth, again, multiple operations in a single die.
Charging dies are usually fairly simple, and are designed simply to act as a station where a mechanical device such as a powder measure will dispense a set amount of powder into the case. They are really only used on progressive and turret presses. In certain circumstances, the powder funnel will have an expander and belling section on it as well, giving three operations in a single die.
Seating and Crimping are two operations which are usually performed by the same die, however, the best performance is gained by separating these two steps, running a seating die (which may also feed bullets) and a separate crimping die. Seating, pushes the bullet into the case mouth, Crimping forces the case mouth into a grove around the bullet called a cannelure, making the now completed round of ammunition much stronger and more weather resistant.
For two die rifle sets, the Decapping, sizing, and expanding steps all occur in the first die. In pistol sets, decapping and sizing are accomplished by the first die, requiring the second die to perform expanding and belling steps. In all cases of production reloading dies, the Seating and Crimping is performed on a single die, however, many companies make aftermarket crimping dies of differing designs which can overcome the limitations of the combined Seat/Crimp dies sold by most companies.
Reloading requires all of the operations covered here, and a few others which I will get into later. However, it is important to understand the difference between reloading and loading, as loading encompasses only the charging, seating and crimping operations. This difference greatly affects throughput when making ammunition.
First Posting
If the title wasn't informative enough, this blog is all about the technology of making ammunition. While I can't promise daily updates I will do my best to answer questions and post updates whenever something new comes to me.
A little bit about me: My name is Drew, I currently live in Southern California near Los Angeles, I have been reloading my own ammunition for 20+ years, in the last 5 years I have made several major adjustments to my chosen career path, and now work full time for a major commercial loader. Because this blog is personal, I will not divulge the name of my employer, nor will I use this blog as a place to post information proprietary to my employer including, but not limited to load data, bullet selection, or anything else that could either get me fired, or compromise the financial future of my employer.
With all that said, more about me. I am a classically trained manual machinist, proficient with lathes, mills, precision grinders, shapers, saws, and welders (mig, stick, tig, gas). I have both designed and made reloading dies, case check gauges, swage dies, rebuilt camdex, dillon, rcbs, ammoload, hornady, lee, CH4D, and pacific reloading presses, and worked with waterbury farrel cold headers, and bliss flywheel presses.
Now, more about the blog. This blog is not really about me, it's about what I do, and the reason I'm putting it out there is so people can learn about the trade and apply it either to reloading at home, or if they are another manufacturer hopefully produce ammo that's as good as mine. : )
While this blog is mostly geared towards people new to reloading, loading, or tool making, I will constantly be making references to more advanced topics, because if you are only being exposed to the same basic concepts you will never learn. For these reasons, I would highly recommend several books, you may use them as reference, or you may read through the completely. It's up to you.
Open source book (from google books):
Cartridge Manufacture: By DT Hamilton
One you're going to have to find (out of print):
Ammunition Making by George Frost
I would like to thank you for reading the blog, and my first post. Since it's the weekend I will probably post a few things I've been meaning to put up somewhere for a while. Stay tuned!