Monday, March 14, 2011

End Daylight Savings!

So I'm not normally politically active, aware yes, active... eh I vote? does that matter?

Anyways, after 30 years, I am officially pissed off enough about the time change to do something about it! And because we live in a representative democracy, I fully intend to do something about it, and frankly, it is a bi-partisan issue.

I will be calling, and writing my senators, and other elected representatives every day until I get this changed and I invite all of you to do the same.

To start you off with some boiler plate. Here's the letter I sent to my senators this morning.
Good Morning Senator,

I am writing you today to express my frustration with a policy that was originally implemented during wartime, that kills untold numbers of Americans, and greatly threatens the health and safety of the rest. I am talking about the change from standard time to daylight time.

Every year numerous people are killed or injured in traffic accidents caused by drowsy drivers after the time change. Farmers and farm animals are upset by the change in routine, not to mention untold millions of other Americans who are forced to be awake earlier, causing undue stress in their home and work lives.

It behooves you as the champion of public safety you purport to be to end this menacing practice. Whether DST becomes the permanent time or not, it does not matter. The only factor that matters is that from now, till forever the only time I am forced to change my clock is when I find myself in a different timezone on purpose!

End this practice now!


Your Constituent

I added this to my addresses to my state reps:
Daylight Saving Time, as is well known, is a federal statute requiring people to set their clocks one hour ahead between the first Saturday in April and the last Saturday in October. Under Federal law, any state may by law elect to exempt either the whole state, or all of the area within that state that lies within any one time zone, from Daylight Saving Time.

Some important information about DST, and some more ammunition you may be able to use:

Unhappy Hour
Daylight Saving Time: A bad idea.

Sleep Deficit, Fatal Accidents, and the Spring Shift to Daylight Savings Time

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